Monday 20 December 2010

snow, snow, quick, quick, snow!

We seldom see large amounts of snow here in Lancashire.  On Wednesday, as we walked up to the church for the Christmas sing-a-long, it was snowing gently.  When we emerged later in the evening, after singing several seasonal songs, and consuming the odd mince pie and glass of mulled fruit juice, the world was shrouded in a white blanket, and white flakes danced thickly before our eyes.

This was the scene next morning across the road from me.  A winter wonderland had appeared, fresh from the song, and everything looked magical, clean and fresh.

Fortunately, the snow plough appeared as we were walking to post an item to an eBay customer, so, as you can see, the roads became passable.  Stay safe and warm wherever you are!


  1. pretty snow pics! we're still waiting on snow here...don't think we'll get a white christmas this year.

  2. beautiful pictures! but you Brits need some proper equipment for this thing called winter :)


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