Saturday, 17 July 2010

I graduated - hurray!!!

My special day has been and gone - yesterday was my graduation ceremony in the Guild Hall in Preston.  The  venue was packed with black gowns embellished with silver grey hoods boasting red linings embellished with the Lancashire rose.

Dozens of students of a variety of ages, all wondering if our mortar boards would slip from our heads as we proudly walked across the stage to shake hands with the very grandly garbed vice-chancellor.

At 56, I was one of the oldest graduates, but none the less proud of my achievement.  I was lucky that my daughter and son-in-law were able to share the day with my partner and myself, but, sadly, due to a confusion over dates, my parents and brother were unable to attend.  Between us we have plenty of photos and a short video to share with them, so at least they'll be able to see some of what went on.

The univesity orchestra played beautiful music, creating a splendid ambience for everyone.  Most of the faces were smiling, it was a very happy and proud occasion that we all shared.

So ... it's the end of one epoch, but thanks to my first class award, I shall be able to embark on my next academic journey courtesy of a bursary to cover the entire costs of the three year PhD.  I'm so lucky:-)

Not many photos for you, just a few to give you a little taste of my wonderful day. 


  1. I'm popping over from Rachel's blog. Congratulations to you on your fine achievement and good luck with the PhD. Being paid to study sounds like pure joy.

  2. Congratulations! What an amazing achievement!

    I found my way to your blog through your daughter's.

  3. Christine Congratulations! What an amazing accomplishment. Now the PhD to look forward to. What a joyful opporutnity to keep learning and growing. Good luck!

  4. Didn't your university podcast this event? The y do these days and archive the event too so you can go back to see it. Check. And congratulations to you!

  5. Good for you! I'm here by way of your very proud daughter. Not only did you do it but with honours. Congratulations!

  6. Hearty congratulations! I read the happy news on Rachel's blog. A wonderful achievement!

  7. Congratulations! I too found you via Rachel's blog. I loved the pictures!

  8. Stopping by from Rachel's blog to congratulate you! You are an amazing woman!

  9. Hello Christine! I'm a "follower" of your lovely daughter,Rachel. When she wrote about your graduation, I just had to pop over and read all about you! I admire you greatly! I am a year older than you, and cannot even imagine going to classes at this stage in life! Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! I remember my graduation and it was an exciting day. I think if I went back to Uni now - 10 years after graduation, I'd apply myself more though and graduation would be a bit more special.

    Well done on your first that is super. I found you through Rachel's blog.

  11. Linsey, Deirdre, Call me Cate, Smilla4blogs, Joey, GinnyMarie, JadeLD and Becky - a big "thank you" to all of you for stopping by to say hello and congratuations:-)

    Becky, it's never too late, as I've just proved, to take up further education - and I've enjoyed virtually every minute of it - even the frustration of knowing that report writing isn't good enough for essay writing - it's been like one huge game I've been trying to win. And, I did:-) If you ever seriously think about it, go for it!

    My baby is a special girl, and I'm very proud of her - I'm so pleased she has such lovely people following her fantastic blog.

    Thanks, once again, for stopping by x

  12. Preston is where my Mam graduated, too. It was a wonderful day. Congratulations once again - it is a great achievement.

  13. Congrats, see you soon.

  14. Well done Christine! I always knew you were a person of many talents, hope you enjoy the next three years.


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